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Stress Management and Emotional Fitness Coach

Empowering individuals to make a real and lasting impact on their quality of life.

Socratis Christoforou


See Our Coaching Services


Group Coaching

One on One and Group Coaching, Length 6 Months, One hour sessions every other week. With each session, we begin with Breathwork activation.


One on One Coaching

6 Month program with 2 sessions per month.

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Find Your Breath

See and feel how we can utilize the power of your breath to access a deeper connection with yourself and create an environment for growth and transformation.

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About me

Why am I the one to Help You? Here’s my Story…

It was a Thursday night and I was lying in bed after being sick for weeks. Staring at the ceiling with tears in my eyes I thought to myself, “What have I been doing all these years?”

At this moment I realized, like many of you, that l had been living in an endless cycle of stress and anxiety. As a business owner, husband, and father of two, I was doing the only thing I knew how to do - working hard and trading my time for money. I was in survival mode, never asking for help and never showing my emotions. I was constantly overwhelmed and overworked, and I felt like my world was caving in.

I knew something had to change, and in that moment I decided to take action.

Through research and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on many courses, I learned that the secret to breaking through this cycle is intention and small steps.

The act of implementing small daily habits of self-care is what began to create big shifts for me. I began waking up every morning with gratitude, instead of focusing on my problems and I began to slow down and appreciate every day moments.

I believe when you make a habit of connecting with yourself first, you can live a life beyond what you ever thought possible and my mission is to help men in business who struggle with anxiety, depression or just feeling stuck, to manage their stress and feel good in their lives again!

Certificate and License

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Grant Cardone License

"In Any Given Moment, We Have Two Choices: Step Forward Into Growth Or Step Backward Into Safety."

-Abraham Maslow

 How Does It Work


Setting A Morning Routine

We will go over a successful morning routine and how to implement it into your daily life.


Develop Patterns And Habits To Overcome The Beliefs

These patterns will become regular habits that you can use for every day life


Reinforce Patterns And Achieve Goals

This is where we focus on reinforcing your new patterns, habits and using them to achieve the goals you set in the beginning of your coaching program. As you achieve goals, we celebrate your wins and set new ones.


Identify Limiting Beliefs 

During the first few sessions with me, you will identify limiting beliefs that are holding you back from creating an extraordinary life. This step is important. Before you can set goals in your career, relationship or health, you must first do inner work to develop a greater understanding of yourself, your habits and how you view yourself and the world.


The Transformational Journey 

This is one of my favorite parts of our time together where we unlock your subconscious mind. 


Kevin Samurai

This journey has been life changing! I am deeply appreciative of your guidance. You are a incredibly loyal and determined. Both inspiring and humbling. I am honored to call you my mentor. 

After the program, I feel like a completely different person. More capable physically, mentally and emotionally. 

I have become a modern samurai. A motivated, creative problem solver. Balance between, an artist and a precise warrior. 

My mind has become more resilient. The inner dialogue is positive now. And I have a well equipped emotional toolbox. 

Confidence! I am finally confident in my abilities and clearly defined goals. Sticking to the routined protocols. Following through with plans  and completing the goals I had set for myself. All these factors have lead to an immense pride in my accomplishments. 

Building a consistent routine has benefited my mind and body the most. Having it broken down into manageable protocols to follow. It has lead to improvements across every aspect of my life. The only thing that did not work well was the distance. I would have loved being able to meet face to face. I have faith we will be able to finally shake hands in the near future. 

My favorite  part was our meetings. Each one was packed with knowledge and presented in a patient way with a thorough understanding. Each meeting was more inspiring than the last. 

Johan Seller

I feel like I have more tools to manage anxiety and I look at situations differently than I

did before. I am not stuck in a continuous cyce and I can tell I have grown as a person

I have become someone who is more goal-oriented and is on a better path. I even tell

folks now regularly to celebrate your small wins and I remind myself to stick to your word

My mind I believe changed so that I realize even small steps help alleviate stress and

combat perceived issues. Really its just about escaping my own mind and doing

tasks/accomplishing goals. That's what keeps me level headed.

I feel like I have taken actual steps to try to better myself. I feel like I have empowerment
through knowledge.

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